Thursday, April 6, 2017

Table setting and Centerpiece course

What is table setting and why must I attend such a course?

According to the Collins English Dictionary it is the following:
table setting (ˈteɪbəl ˈsɛtɪŋ)
a set of cutleryglassesnapkin, etc. for one person, as used on a table
the way that a table is set out and decorated, in preparation for a meal, especially a special one
Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Why would it be important for and Events Coordinator or Wedding Stylist to know how to set a table? Is that not the job of the Caterer or the Hotel?

According to the Udemy blog – this is an explanation of the work of an Events coordinator.
“Event coordinators have the responsibility of planning an event’s every aspect including setting up all necessary employees from security to valets to waiters and securing a venue. They need to oversee decorations and menus and make sure that there are adequate amounts of drink and food that are available. Part of their job description is to make sure that there are seating, table settings and flowers for the crowd anticipated.

The coordinator also sets all the custodians, security staff and sound system people before the event. He or she needs to make sure that the event has all the required local government clearance, oversees any permits required and works with any of the facility’s union requirements. The event coordinator needs to be a skilled communicator and negotiator, getting the best employees and deals to have a successful event.” -

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve set up an event where Government VIP was attending and then the Hotel don’t even put a soup spoon on the table – they put a dessert spoon on the table for the minister to eat his soup with. What an embarrassment!

What will you learn in the table setting course:
·         Glassware and Flatware
·         Accompaniments
·         Table layout
·         Buffet and counters
·         Napkin Folds to name a few of the topics

Our table setting course is part of our Centerpiece course and we are going to present it in Nairobi the end of May.

Hope to see you at our course! It is lots of fun and you will learn a lot.

For more information contact Divine Schools of Africa -
+254 729 258 141
+254 729 258 132

Or contact ECTA Creative Solutions on 

Events greeting

Marieta Greyling

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